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红锥(Castanopsis hystrix)是我国南方重要的用材林树种和生态公益林树种,具有较高的价值 和广泛的市场应用前景。文章以红锥为研究对象,通过对采穗圃的营建、采穗母株幼化促萌、穗条选择、 基质筛选、激素处理、扦插月份等因素进行研究,获得影响扦插成活率的关键因素。结果显示,3 月份扦 插成活率最高,使用黄心土作为扦插基质,利用ABT-3 对优树嫁压条苗穗条进行处理,扦插成活率可达 94%。研究显示,扦插月份、扦插基质对红锥穗条扦插成活率的影响较大。
关键词:   红锥 扦插繁殖 成活率
Study on Cutting Propagation Technology of Castanopsis hystrix
yangxiaohui and pan wen
Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Academy of Forestry
The Castanopsis hystrix is an important timber forest species and ecological forest species in southern China, with high value and broad market application prospects because of its fast growing, high quality timber and strong adaptability. Through the research on the construction of cutting orchard, rejurenation of stock plant, the selection of the cuttings, medium, the hormone treatment, and the month for cutting, the key factors affecting the survival rate of cuttings were obtained. The results showed that the highest survival rate was in March, with yellow soil as the cutting media, and the hormone ABT-3 treated excellent tree grafting seedlings with a survival rate of 94%. This study indicated that the month for cutting and medium had greater impacts on the survival rate of cuttings of C. hystrix.
Key words:   Castanopsis hystrix cutting propagation rooting ratio