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为了更好地摸清东源县古树资源情况,推进古树建档工作,更好地保护古树,本研究对河源市东源县15个镇的古树进行了实地和走访调查,结果显示:东源县15个镇共有古树738株,隶属于30科42属54种。树种以红锥为主(248株),其次为榕树、木荷、朴树、樟等。古树树龄大多数为III级古树(661株),18株I级古树,59株II级古树;树高平均为16.98 m,胸径最大的为榕树,达467.92 cm,平均为96.51 cm,冠幅平均为264.35 m2。大多数古树均正常生长,仅有少数衰弱。根据调查结果,建议加快东源县古树建档工作,加强管理和保护,对于生长环境不好的古树,改善其周边环境,并定期开展病虫害防治。
关键词:   古树;调查;种类;东源县;保护
Characteristic of Ancient Trees in Dongyuan County
xudongxian,songlei,zhaoqing,tanghonghui and weidan
Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Academy of Forestry
In order to figure out the ancient trees in Dongyuan County and provide better protection, ancient trees in Dongyuan County were investigated with combining methods of field survey and visiting local people. The results showed that there are 738 ancient trees in Dongyuan country belonging to 54 species, 42 genera and 30 families. Most of them are Castanopsis hystrix (248), then Ficus microcarpa, Schima superba, Celtis sinensis, Cinnamomum camphora. The individual number is 661, 56 and 18 with tree age of 100-299 a, 300-499 a and more than 500 a, respectively. The average of height is 16.98 m; average of diameter at breast height is 96.51 cm, with the top 1 is Ficus microcarpa (467.92 cm) and the average of crown area is 264.35 m2. Most of them are at good condition. According to this investigation, it is suggested to accelerate establishing the ancient tree archives, to enhance protection, to make habitat improvement and pest control periodically.
Key words:   ancients trees; investigation; species; Dongyuan County; protection