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刘彩红, 胡喻华, 张春霞, 华国栋
通过深入调查研究广东沿海红树林生态系统资源及保护现状,针对近年因围垦养殖、城市建 设发展用地、城市生活污水和工业污水大量排放等,导致一些红树林及其生态环境遭到破坏,面积大幅减 少;现有红树林群落植物种类偏少、结构简单、遗传多样性水平较低;互花米草等外来有害生物入侵严 重,林分质量下降、系统功能退化;加上沿海红树林恢复属困难立地造林,技术措施及建设成本要求高等 实际情况,结合广东沿海滩涂立地条件及红树林经营管护特点等,提出了相应的红树林生态保护修复模式 及特殊立地修复营建关键技术等,为沿海红树林生态系统保护、修复、营建等提供理论依据和技术指导。
关键词:   红树林;修复模式;关键技术
Discussion on the Ecological Restoration Models of Mangroves in Guangdong Coastal Area
Liu Caihong
Guangdong Forestry Survey and Planning Institute
This paper investigates and studies the resource and current situation of mangrove ecosystem in Guangdong coastal area. With the phenomenon of reclamation, aquaculture, land occupation by urban construction, discharge of urban and industrial sewage in recent years, the mangroves ecological environment was badly destroyed and the mangroves acreage have been greatly reduced. Currently, the existing mangrove communities are facing problems of serious invasion of exotic pests such as Spartina alterniflora, deterioration of stand quality and system function, lack of 投注app diversity, high level technical requirements on coastal mangrove afforestation and high cost on construction. According to the conditions of coastal beach in Guangdong province, as well as mangrove management and protection characteristics, this paper proposes corresponding mangrove ecological protection and restoration models and key technologies of special site restoration and construction in order to provide theoretical basis and technical guidance for the protection, restoration and construction of coastal mangrove ecosystem.
Key words:   mangrove; repair mode; key technology